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Israeli children sign their missiles ‘with love’

Never have I witnessed such an appalling display of utter contempt for human life. And they're not even ashamed to beam it across the globe, for all the world to see.

THIS is who our tax dollars support - an arrogant, war-like people who indoctrinate their children in the art of murderous and cavalier warfare.
Dear Lebanese/ Palestinian/ Canadian/ American/ Muslim/ Christian/ Australian/ or Anyone else who stands in our way,


Israeli Kids
Not in so many words, but even a love ballad would kill the recipient - using flowery words makes it all the more twisted.
Above: Israeli girls write messages on a shell at a heavy artillery position near Kiryat Shmona, in northern Israel, next to the Lebanese border, Monday, July 17, 2006.(AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)
Thanks, girls. Lebanese children got your message - loud and clear.

Spread it far and wide.

Americans must learn the truth about ISRAEL - the Ultimate Glorified Killing Machine.

Quoted from the blog

1 Responses to “Israeli children sign their missiles ‘with love’”

  1. # Blogger wild child.

    I'm from Godspeed Magazine, an independent publication in Singapore which aims to represent the truth, be it in our direct cause, the marginalized underground arts and literary scene in Singapore or the ways of the world.

    Do email me at if you'd like to embark on a featured story based on this particular post. I believe it will be beneficial to many who feed off what is told to them via the various mediums.


    Editor In Chief.  

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Name: Mohamed Shamin
Location: Maldives



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