Dear sister, we are with you...

Her brother was killed by Israeli occupation troops in Gaza.

Don't grieve sister... We'll defeat them, Insha Allah

Israeli Commander: “It’s a Real War”

The Times today reports that Israeli soldiers returning from forays into southern Lebanon admit to being surprised by Hezbollah’s ferocity.

On the fourteenth day of combat between the Shia militia and Israeli troops, it has become apparent that Israel had not secured Hezbollah’s southern most stronghold, 4 Kilometres inside Lebanon; a position that some Israeli spokesmen had earlier claimed was taken.

Despite two weeks of intense fighting and a relentless Israeli aerial bombardment, Hezbollah attacks have not diminished. On Monday Hezbollah managed to fire 111 rockets into northern Israel and over 100 so far today.

While domestic support for the operation remains strong in Israel, the first cracks are beginning to appear.

It is becoming all too obvious that Israel had underestimated Hezbollah’s strength and determination. With some commentators complaining about “insulting level” of military intelligence on Hezbollah’s capabilities. While in other quarter’s complaints were being sounded about poor “basic soldiering skills.”

Israeli soldiers returning from forays into southern Lebanon yesterday were visibly shocked, Stephen Farrell wrote in The Times today. Many of the normally proud Israeli soldiers appeared shaken by what they had encountered.

“It was really scary. Most of our armoured personnel carriers have holes, a paramedic told The Times after rescuing and treating three wounded tank crew members.

“It’s a very hard situation. We were in Lebanon before but it wasn’t like this for a long time.”

One tank commander said: “It’s a real war”.

The deputy commander of Israel’s northern forces, Brigadier-General Shuki Shachar, admitted that their adversary was no push over.

"Hezbollah is a fanatical organisation. It is highly motivated to fight. I don’t want to give grades to the enemy, but they are fighting. They are not escaping,” he said.

The Brigadier-General conceded however that Hezbollah were dug in deeper that expected.

“After a few days we realised that Hezbollah prepared itself over the last six years with thousands of rockets, with hundreds of shelters, bunkers, with hundreds of rockets hid in houses of civilians inside south Lebanon,

The object now , said the Brigadier-General was to take the high ground, identify Hezbollah’s rocket storage facilities and destroy them.

However that might not happen without many more Israeli casualties and its forces are still little more than four kilometres inside southern Lebanon.

Traumatized by heavy combat, Israeli troops comfort each other.

Already today reports have been received of more Israeli casualties. Although still unconfirmed, the latest reports indicate that another 14 more Israeli soldiers have been killed as Israel said that its operations in southern Lebanon might continue for several more weeks.

Dear Sister, We are with you...

Sister, don't grieve... We'll defeat them, Insha Allah...

These babies aren’t sleeping.. Are they?

This baby isn't sleeping.

He's not making believe.

They're not playing together.

It's not temporary.


Don't be surprised!

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Never Again? Never Again for Who?

The blog Lebanon Updates has a wealth of resources and daily news. This map shows the intensity of the Israeli blitzkrieg that has hit every corner of Lebanon from 7/12 through 7/24. It shatters the myth that Israel is defending itself from southern Lebanon rocket attacks: this is a war on all the peoples of Lebanon.
The media magician's sleight-of-hand has transformed the original casus belli of two captured IOF soldiers into "defense from Hezbollah rocket attacks." Nevermind the fact that there were no rocket attacks until Israel's widespread bombings of Lebanon had commenced. Most of the world's media uses the term "Lebanese militia" rather than Hezbollah when describing southern Lebanon's right to defend itself. This initial report by Forbes accurately reported Israel's provocation that resulted in the capture of the IOF soldiers:
"The militant group Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers during clashes Wednesday across the border in southern Lebanon, prompting a swift reaction from Israel, which sent ground forces into its neighbor to look for them.

The forces were trying to keep the soldiers' captors from moving them deeper into Lebanon, Israeli government officials said on condition of anonymity."
That fact has been missing in action ever since, just like some of the missing body parts depicted in this slide show:

Thanks to the Internet bypassing traditional media filters, CNN has been compelled to report on Israel's use of outlawed white phosphorus in Lebanon:

TYRE, Lebanon (CNN) -- As battles have raged between Israel and Hezbollah in recent days, many Lebanese casualties have been rushed to hospitals with severe burns. Steadily, more and more people in southern Lebanon have accused Israel of packing its bombs with phosphorus.

Mohammad Khalifeh, Lebanon's health minister, said there are high suspicions Israel is using a new type of weapon, resulting in wounds not seen before in hospitals. He said the weapons may contain phosphorus. "There is no evidence but high clinical suspicions, and this is still under investigation,"

At one hospital in Tyre, Dr. Wahid Najir said he believes the Israeli military has used chemicals to burn those hit. "This is the effect of phosphorus," he said, speaking of a 9-year-old boy with severe wounds to his face. "This is phosphorus of course."

The boy's family was traveling in a vehicle when it was struck.

International rules of war forbid the use of weapons that cause indiscriminate suffering, but make no specific reference to phosphorus. --From CNN's Karl Penhaul (Posted 1:53 p.m.)

The United States has used phosphorus in military actions in Iraq.

Every violation of international law committed by the U.S. in Iraq is now standard issue for the Israeli Death Forces. Never again?

Quoted from:

Israeli children sign their missiles ‘with love’

Never have I witnessed such an appalling display of utter contempt for human life. And they're not even ashamed to beam it across the globe, for all the world to see.

THIS is who our tax dollars support - an arrogant, war-like people who indoctrinate their children in the art of murderous and cavalier warfare.
Dear Lebanese/ Palestinian/ Canadian/ American/ Muslim/ Christian/ Australian/ or Anyone else who stands in our way,


Israeli Kids
Not in so many words, but even a love ballad would kill the recipient - using flowery words makes it all the more twisted.
Above: Israeli girls write messages on a shell at a heavy artillery position near Kiryat Shmona, in northern Israel, next to the Lebanese border, Monday, July 17, 2006.(AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)
Thanks, girls. Lebanese children got your message - loud and clear.

Spread it far and wide.

Americans must learn the truth about ISRAEL - the Ultimate Glorified Killing Machine.

Quoted from the blog

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